all the “new Madonna album” tweets in one place

Those of you following me on twitter probably already know this but Diz suggested I post this on here too.

This morning I downloaded the new Madonna album, Hard Candy to give it a listen while I was studying. Let me state here that I am not a fan of Madonna and I only like some of her older songs with the exception of her previous album (Confessions on the Dance Floor) which I remember listening to a lot and actually enjoying. This is not the type of music I choose to listen to unless I’m out in a bar or something.

So I gave Hard Candy a full listen to see what all the fuss was about and with the exception of a few moments (not even whole songs) I did not like it. I heard the 4 Minutes single she did with Justin Timberlake and I cannot see what is good about it either. I find the whole album very dull. I cannot describe it in a better way. I found it dull and repetitive.

By the time I had reached the last song my head was hurting. This is the first time music has given me a headache before. Actually it’s not the first time but all the other times involved a lot of headbanging and the headache was always worth it. It all started when I “twittered” that the new Madonna album gave me a headache and then decided to take it a step further. I like poking fun at simple things like this. Mocking the album like that was a great outlet for my frustration with the coursework I was doing at the time. Here are the tweets in the order I posted them.

  • The new Madonna album gave me a headache.
  • The new Madonna album killed the pope.
  • The new Madonna album dethroned the queen and increased all our taxes.
  • The new Madonna album ate my last oreo.
  • The new Madonna album is behind global warming.
  • The new Madonna album will kill you softly… with its words.
  • The new Madonna album kidnapped Santa and cancelled Christmas. Forever.
  • The new Madonna album – When you hear it you’ll shit bricks.
  • The new Madonna album sneezed in my coffee.
  • The new Madonna album attacked my mother with a spork.

5 thoughts on “all the “new Madonna album” tweets in one place

  1. Oh my! I had to google that one. People keep telling me I’m not really gay because I don’t know these thing. I don’t find Madonna and Kylie fascinating. But that song was excellent! Thank you so much for sharing! Wow…!

  2. haha, I am glad you liked it. I have had that song stuck in my head ever since I posted that comment though. :mrgreen:

    Oh, by the way… my blog is working again at last… yey!

  3. I haven’t heard anything but 4 minutes, and I’m not a fan of it… so I have yet to DL the album… not sure I will… your review has confirmed I still have most of my music taste intact!

  4. Tori :: After having listened to it one more time I found one song which I really like because it sounds like 80’s disco but when she sings over the music she ruins it. Maybe you could give it a listen but it really depends on what kind of music you like. Personally I found 4 Minutes very boring.

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