the iq of a cow

Too much bad news is floating around me and my friends. I thought I’d try to post something a little more upbeat or more irrelevant to our personal lives, as it would be more appropriate to describe. Something to try and cheer everyone up so I thought I’d finish writing this post which I started many moons ago. So, I updated it and made a lot of corrections to it until it took a life of its own and I gave up. I hope you enjoy it. Many thanks to Diz for proofreading this when my brain died on me.

I am sitting there watching the news with a cow-like expression on my face. You know, the apathetic, the uninterested, the “what the hell do I care” sort of look. The “may the Gods keep me well and I don’t give a rat’s ass about the rest of the humanity” look. I don’t care, any Gods, the 12 that live (or used to live) up at the top of Olympus (because people haven’t seen them in a few years and there have been no reports on their whereabouts lately), the mighty Egyptian Isis with her philanthropic tendencies, or even Krishna, since now in my new found cow-like state, I could use a protector. Any one will do, I don’t mind, let them pick who’s going to keep me from harm, I’m easy.

I should note I have nothing against cows; on the contrary, I have the utmost appreciation for cows. I respect them. They are serious, hard-working and reliable. But everyone can admit that you can’t include their fascinated stare among their many, otherwise wonderful, qualities. I don’t know how to describe it without approaching it in a surreal way. As if it is chewing gum? But hold the chewing? Well, something like that.

I am sitting there watching the news with this cow-like approach to it. Politics and civil wars between politicians. Attacks and hits below the belt. And we, the news watchers, are in the middle, invited to pick a side. Some are playing the race card, others are playing the feminist card. I am playing the “keep it to yourselves” card. I don’t live there anyway, so I switch the channel.

Oh brilliant, more news. I am sitting there watching the news, on a different channel this time, with the cow-like look. Too bad, no scandals this week. Oh wait, there’s one, it’s a repeat. The phone-in scandal of the TV channel (channels? were there more than one?) where people cried over not being included in the draws because they let them call after the participation time had ended. Poor Ant & Dec, you were caught in the middle of a £3 million controversy.

I am there watching the news with a cow-like idealism where nothing is important or everything is. By looking at a cow, you’ll never be able to tell. She might be suffering from constipation or giddy beyond belief or reason, and yet the expression on her face won’t change. Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears, Madonna – names fly out of that box with the images that move and I am untouched. Mentally unaltered. Nothing makes me feel a thing. It’s not important – I shall move along. Press another button and be transferred to another time and place.

I am now sitting there watching someone try to build a house in Spain with the same cow-like stare. The ground is not what they expected and they’ve gone over the budget. Oh, the drama. But a cow is still a cow no matter what is happening around her. There is no hay to chew, so I’m biting my nails. Just because they’re there and easy to get to. I’d rather watch the news.

I am sitting there watching the news and they are talking. Endlessly, these wonderfully articulated people are still talking about small things, unimportant things, repeated stories and I am taking it all in. In a cow-like fashion. Rechewing it and digesting it. Haven’t we already dealt with all this? We have a new prime minister, leave it alone, let him do whatever he can and when the time comes you’ll have your chance to elect someone else. Stop bitching about the same old things. He failed to do what you thought and what he promised he would. Write him a letter and ask him nicely. He might consider your requests, you never know. None of the politicians ever did something when you yelled on TV about it anyway, so why not try this less annoying approach?

Everything else has been taken care of. No new things to talk about. Just the same old cud, rechewed and yet still there. Even as a cow, who is used to cud, I am getting sick of all this. Or is it that no news equals good news? It is, isn’t it?

And as I am watching the news I am overcome by a feeling of optimism. Everything has been dealt with, so they’re repeating it because they have nothing else to say. Everything belongs in the past then.

We live in a society of good. A society so perfect that the news reports don’t have enough news to fill their time. A nation so well tuned, like a Swiss watch. This is no longer a nation – it is an equilibrium personified. With watches, banks and fields. And cows. Many cows…

And when I realised it I was very happy. And I breathed again, like the cow I am!

favourite quote of the day

Lecturer: You know what the deal with exams is, right?
Students: *blank stare*
Lecturer: It’s about marks, not knowledge.

all the “new Madonna album” tweets in one place

Those of you following me on twitter probably already know this but Diz suggested I post this on here too.

This morning I downloaded the new Madonna album, Hard Candy to give it a listen while I was studying. Let me state here that I am not a fan of Madonna and I only like some of her older songs with the exception of her previous album (Confessions on the Dance Floor) which I remember listening to a lot and actually enjoying. This is not the type of music I choose to listen to unless I’m out in a bar or something.

So I gave Hard Candy a full listen to see what all the fuss was about and with the exception of a few moments (not even whole songs) I did not like it. I heard the 4 Minutes single she did with Justin Timberlake and I cannot see what is good about it either. I find the whole album very dull. I cannot describe it in a better way. I found it dull and repetitive.

By the time I had reached the last song my head was hurting. This is the first time music has given me a headache before. Actually it’s not the first time but all the other times involved a lot of headbanging and the headache was always worth it. It all started when I “twittered” that the new Madonna album gave me a headache and then decided to take it a step further. I like poking fun at simple things like this. Mocking the album like that was a great outlet for my frustration with the coursework I was doing at the time. Here are the tweets in the order I posted them.

  • The new Madonna album gave me a headache.
  • The new Madonna album killed the pope.
  • The new Madonna album dethroned the queen and increased all our taxes.
  • The new Madonna album ate my last oreo.
  • The new Madonna album is behind global warming.
  • The new Madonna album will kill you softly… with its words.
  • The new Madonna album kidnapped Santa and cancelled Christmas. Forever.
  • The new Madonna album – When you hear it you’ll shit bricks.
  • The new Madonna album sneezed in my coffee.
  • The new Madonna album attacked my mother with a spork.

for he is excellent?

Rated E for Excellent

Yoshi was kind enough to give me an award and not just any award! Look! I’m rated E! I will wear this badge with pride and honour from now on, even though I never thought of this blog as excellent. I think it’s more of a random mess of words and ramblings. I like to just blurt out whatever pops into my head and it’s mostly used to accommodate my need of an outlet about things I can’t discuss with other people. Hmmmm, maybe I need more friends that will listen? No, already have that! I think I might be too self centred then and want the world to know about what I’m going through? Yes, that sounds like a more reasonable explanation, I’ll stick with that. I am not ready to admit I am addicted to writing about my life.

Right, enough with the weird thought process above. Now for the acceptance speech:

I want to thank the Yoshi Academy *sobs*, my parents, my brother, my imaginary friends *sobs more*, Nescafé, Starbucks, Redbull. I also want to thank my procrastination for keeping this blog alive, ABBA for the music, India, providence, terror, nothingness, disillusionment, clarity, frailty, consequence and other random Alanis Morissette words from her songs. *sobs one last time* Most importantly though, I want to thank the people who have been around commenting and offering their kind supporting words whenever I am down or things get rough for me.

It is now my turn to offer this award to 10 people that were not already in Yoshi’s list. In no particular order:

I could go on but I’m limited to 10 people and I like to play by the rules. Danalyn does not get one because like Yoshi said she needs to blog more. She is awesome though and so she deserves an honourable mention.

This award started at Project Mommy and I think she’s the most Excellent one of all of us for starting this.

the count can go **** himself

This makes me laugh out loud! Every. Time.

via Amie.