cutting school to enjoy the sun

After my lecture today I left Uni and went down to the beach since I had about an hour to kill. The weather was incredible and since I hadn’t been out in more than a week I decided to walk around. As part of my New Year’s Resolution, I now carry my camera with me every day. The point of this is that I can now use it more often and take pictures whenever I get the chance or come across something interesting.

Since it was sunny and everyone was out enjoying the sun I set out to take some photos. I set my camera on Auto so I wouldn’t need to pause for setting up, put my headphones on and went for it.

This outing really helped me clear my head. Of course I expect the stress to come back once the next deadline approaches.

I have added some of the photos below.

People prefer to sit on the pebbles

The Seafront Carousel

Helping Hand

Pavilion Palace Garden

The Royal Pavilion Palace

9 thoughts on “cutting school to enjoy the sun

  1. I loved your pictures. It looks so pretty and clean there. I so want to go there now.

    We all gathered around and puzzled about the “sand” on your beach. Want to send us some for closer inspection? 😀

  2. Kentucky Girl :: It is pretty, isn’t it? I love this city! But the weather is still not very warm, I think yesterday it was around 12 degrees Celsius .

    yoshi :: I’m not a very good photographer, many moons ago I used to be at least decent but I stopped taking photos for a few years (because I didn’t have a camera) and now I’m starting to learn things again. You should totally do it. Taking pictures on a daily basis is great, even if it’s just one photo a day!

    daniel :: Brighton is a great place to visit and many celebrities keep houses here too for the summer days. You might even catch Fatboy Slim in the supermarket (he’s a Brighton resident).

    Melanie :: Unfortunately the Brighton beach has no sand. There are tons of pebbles though which don’t get in your food when you have a picnic at the beach! I’d send you some but we’re not allowed to remove them, they’re the property of the council. Have you heard of a more ridiculous thing? Come over and you can see for yourself! 😀 There is a rumour (which after some research I found to be false) that the pebbles were brought from France to form the Brighton beach.

    Lisa :: You want to go to Brighton University? I don’t blame you! Although it’s not one of the best Universities around. University of Sussex (which is like 10 minutes away from the University of Brighton) is far better and has the prettiest campus ever! But I am not allowed to say this, Brighton Uni students have a rivalry with Sussex Uni students. 😆

  3. There’s nothing wrong with cutting class every now and then to take a mental health moment. When I was in school, I’d just cut to hang out in the computer labs. What a waste 😉

    Great photos, by the way. Glad to hear you de-stressed a bit.

  4. Diz :: It was a well needed time-off. I was not able to cut school when younger and I wouldn’t do it unless there was a test I hadn’t studied for or something because it was too hard to not show up. They would call home if you were absent and then I’d be in a LOT of trouble… However where there’s a will, there’s a way. 😉

    I’m glad you like the photos, I should take photos more often. I love taking photos and I miss doing it.

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