hour 16 tiredness is becoming an issue – i need an energy boost

Hour sixteen and still managing. I haven’t heard a word from my monitor in many many hours so I hope he’s okay. Andrew if you’re out there and still surviving please say something!

The sun is coming up (for the past couple of hours actually) and I am starting to feel the morning chill coming in through the window. Mind you, we’re not having a summer here in the UK this year anyway, so it isn’t that much different from the rest of the day. NO! No, I will not resort to talking about the weather (how very un-British of me).

Since it has been 16 hours and I am feeling pretty burnt out, I thought I should write about it. Have you guys got any ideas of what I can do to get an energy boost?

Also if you have any questions to ask or any topics to suggest feel free to put them in a comment on here!

3 thoughts on “hour 16 tiredness is becoming an issue – i need an energy boost

  1. Colin,

    I have been trying to contact you buddy, but your spam filter keep hitting me. I am going to try a much longer post this time in the hopes that it will get through. This is my brilliant experiment to see if I can contact you. You are doing great so far, man. I am very proud of you. Do you need me to give you some suggestions for posts? Do you need me to try to comment more often? Please let me know what I can to assist you in the Blogathon goodness. Alright, hopefully this post will get through your spam filter. Here goes nothing.

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